The extradition pipeline

Deportation.  It’s a harsh word, and a harsher concept.

Surely one that applies to a class of people you and I have no reason to encounter.

Surely, we have no cause to look further than the decisions of The State.  Our borders are besieged, aren’t they.  And, a person deemed right to deport isn’t just a foreigner, but probably a criminal.  Or, if not a criminal, an economic migrant, or a benefit-seeking parasite.

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Introduction – from the universal to the personal

Welcome to the Blog: Human Rights Human Wrongs.

For decades I’ve been troubled by the word rights.  I resist the claimed entitlement that comes with rights.  It’s just too easy to say: with my rights I’m entitled to claim whatever’s yours, to create arguments based on victimhood.

Rights make too many arguments too easy to win because rights are The Silver Bullet –   metaphorically and literally. Read More